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The Trial Chess Class

About the Class

The trial class is free. The session enables you to get a sense of Chessmatrix instructional methods before enrolling your child. It also helps the Academy establish:
  • You and your child’s chess learning objectives.
  • Your child’s unique learning style.
During the trial session, the instructor will undertake an independent evaluation of your child’s attitude of the game and learning style.Upon successful completion, You and the instructor will then both agree if your child should continue in either group or private class.
Chess Beginner

Chess Beginner

intermediate image

About the course

Chess for beginners is a great way to introduce chess to young learners. Have your kids play and learn chess online with the best tools, tactics, puzzles, videos, lessons and much more! Our sessions are meticulously designed for kids. A structured learning approach, combined with lots of fun exercises, ensures kids not only learn the game, but also derive life skills like critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, visualization and cognitive intelligence. Our unique personalized rating meter helps you track your child’s learning journey and you can see marked improvement in their game and performance!

Let’s get started with an introduction to the board- naming the squares and how to set the board. Learn about the pieces of chess board and their movement, followed by a short review. After getting introduce to game we look at first special rule of chess- castling. Also learn about the famous “mate” or checkmate move. Also look through interesting condition in which castling cannot be done. This module also cover pawn promotion and draw. Now it’s time to learn another special move, called “En passant”. Also learn how to gain an advantage through exchange.

Chess Intermediate

About the course

Chess intermediate is ideal for kids who have learnt the basics of chess. Kids are expected to be familiar with concepts such as movement, attack, defence, mate, etc. Take your game to the next level by learning concepts like double attack, simplification, back rank, counter-attack, stalemate, etc. By this level, kids are also adept at analyzing games and would be trained to think on their feet about the next moves- which is a great way to develop visualization!
Dive in depth in double attack- learn how to not leave your pieces undefended, how to defend against mate, and how to capture the defender. The strategy of removing pawns involves a tactic known as the demolition of the pawn structure. In this module, students are introduced to this concept, along with concepts like clearance, under promotion and indirect defense. “It is your turn to move, and all of your moves are bad!” Don’t we all want our kid to be the smartest in the room? Learn about Zugzuwang, decoy, domination and how to create a mating threat in this module.
Chess intermediate

Chess Advance

Chess advance

About the course

Chess advance is for players who want to take their game to the next level! Train with masters who will teach you skills and tips to master the game yourself. Analyze games, play tournaments and keep improving your ratings with constant guidance from mentors and experts!
Brush up your skills learnt in intermediate level. Learn about Queen vs pawn on 7th rank. This is one of the most fundamental endgames and takes your child from a simple endgame to mined squares, corresponsing squares, traingulation and Zungzwang. Learn about backward pawn, isolated pawn, hanging pawns, and pawn wedge. Perfect your game with advanced calculation, middle game combinations and endgame combinations

Nurture your child's skills to master the chessboard with us!!

Enroll your child with us today and let us guide them on their chess journey. They will be amazed with the joy of learning and mastering the game of Chess.

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